Bumper cars have gone through many different improvements over the years. Initially, they were powered through electrical wires that dropped from the ceiling. Today, they are either powered by electricity from the floor, or they can be powered via a battery. Those that are powered from the floor will need a special surface to receive the electricity through magnetic induction. Those that have batteries must be charged for several hours so they can be used the following day. There are other differences between electric and battery-powered bumper cars that we will now discuss in Australia.

Understanding How Bumper Cars Work

When you see a bumper car, it seems like a very simplistic replica of the vehicle. There is often a single seat, with the steering wheel, and a pedal that allows you to move. The way that they are powered is through electricity. There are actually three separate modes by which a bumper car ride for sale can move around. The first was through using a conductive ceiling. It utilized what was called the hot rod system. The power would travel to the motor through the wire or rod that descended from above. The second way is through the floor itself. Beneath the surface, there are alternating strips that hold positive and negative charges. There are brushes beneath the bumper car which can connect with the positive and negative strips, creating a circuit and delivering a charge. Finally, there are battery-operated bumper cars that are simply powered by the battery.

Inflatable Bumper Cars

Inflatable Bumper Car Rides

The Difference Between Electric And Battery-Powered Bumper Cars

An electric bumper car must remain are the special floor in order to receive any power at all. A battery-powered bumper car can move over any surface as long as the battery is charged. In regard to physical characteristics, all bumper cars will have subtle changes in the way that they look. New models are produced every year. The primary difference is really how they are powered, and that can determine where they are used.

Battery Bumper Cars

Battery Bumper Cars

Which Type A Bumper Car Would Be The Better Choice?

Either one of these will be applicable for an amusement park. People are conditioned to use electric bumper cars, so that is not going to change. As for bumper cars with batteries, you can create separate areas outside where people then bumper cars can interact. If you have the means to acquire both types of bumper cars, this will improve your chances of having repeat customers. Remember to search for a reliable source for either of these units. You can save money, and also get access to the most advanced bumper cars if you purchase them from a reliable business.

If you are adding bumper cars to your carnival, adding both electrically powered and battery-powered bumper cars will be the best choice. This will give the larger variety of options for those that are visiting your facility. Some may prefer one over the other. It also allows you to provide multiple options for those that would not want to wait in line. Once people are able to use the bumper cars , and have fun, they will certainly return to your carnival. Where can you find these rides? Try this website for that sell amusement rides.