Now that you have invested in an asphalt mixing plant, you also need to hire the services of experienced operators in order to keep the plant running without any issues. It is easier said than done. Do not make the mistake of thinking that novice operators will be able to run the control room without any issues. Even if you have managed to get the best mixing plant available in the market, you need experienced operators to make sure that plant always runs at its optimum capacity. Experienced operators are not easy to come by. Here are a few tips to help you choose the best asphalt mixing plant operators(operadores de planta de asfalto).

AIMIX Asfalt Mixing Plant

AIMIX Asfalt Mixing Plant

Needless to say, one of the most important things you need to look at is the experience of the operator. Make sure the operators you are planning to hire have a lot of experience in running the kind of plant you have invested in. As you would know, there are many different types of mixing plants(plantas mezcladoras) available in the market today and though most of the plants work in the same manner, there are some nuances that are unique to each model type. As far as handling the control room operations are concerned, it is not that difficult and anybody can master them in a few months but good operators understand the importance of proper planning, repair and maintenance.

An experienced operator will know the ins and outs of a plant. They will make sure that the important problems are addressed on priority. In short, it won’t be wrong to say that an experienced operator will make sure that a small problem does not turn into a big crisis and causes a major downtime. This level of intuition(nivel de intuición) develops only after years of hands-on experience.

In addition to the experience, the operator should also be able to troubleshoot problems before they snowball into huge crisis. In other words, they should be able to fix most of the problems on their own, most of the times. Also, they should be able to schedule maintenance tasks on a regular basis in order to make sure that the plant keeps working as it should.

The best way to make sure that you have a steady supply of operators available to operate the plant(operar la planta) is to hire the services of an experienced and reliable operator at the top and then, use their services to train others. It is true that you will have to spend some money on training the new operators but it will make sure that your plant is always running. There will be multiple people who know how to operate different parts of the plant and they will also know how to troubleshoot problems.

AIMIX LB Serie Asfalt Mixing Plant

AIMIX LB Serie Asfalt Mixing Plant

Overall, do not make the mistake of hiring anyone thinking that everything will work smoothly. Even the best of designs require careful observation to make sure that all the different parts are working in tandem in order to deliver the right kind of asphalt mix. It is also recommended to invest in the training of operators to make sure that you have multiple experienced operators to keep your plant running.